Poles buy more and more every year. Mainly during the period of holidays and when they organise family gatherings. Research shows that we spend an average of PLN 563 on Easter shopping. Is the amount increasing from year to year? The commentary on the material prepared by Warsaw TV Courier was provided by the LOANDO Group financial expert, Kamil Dębski. He answered, among others, the question about how much we spend in order to organise Easter holidays, where we get additional funds and how these amounts have changed over the last years.
Kamil Dębski, LOANDO Group financial expert, commented: According to statistics and expert studies, these amounts are increasing every year. However, I admit that they are increasing only slightly. Last year, this amount was in fact smaller only by PLN 43, and two years ago by over PLN 100.
As underlined in the material, the interest in fast online loans is going up significantly during the holiday season. With their help, Poles support the home budget when organising holidays, which is why these amounts are relatively low.
These loans are not large, usually they amount to PLN 500 or up to a maximum of PLN 1,000. Poles have no problem with their repayment, especially since these are low amounts and they only serve to finance Easter holidays. – Kamil Dębski, LOANDO Group financial expert, added.