Fintech & e-commerce Linking Days – Łódź 2022 event
Loando group will take part in Fintech & e-commerce Linking Days – Łódź 2022 event. It’s a two-day meeting of industry representatives, who, thanks to...
Representatives of each of the companies put a lot of heart, energy and concern for the future of little patients into these activities.
So the family could be together – the slogan that accompanies the Fundacja Ronalda McDonalda was the fuel for the LoanDO, Hangzhou Sejoy Electronics & Instruments Co. and Pure Clinical activities. Thus, they support both the staff, parents and children staying in the departments of the hospital at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 63A.
We support the children of the Ronald McDonald Foundation House and hope for their quick return home and to their favorite toys. You can see Maciej Suwik, co-founder of LoanDO as the team visited the hospital.