Charitable Santa Claus Day with Stomil Olsztyn
Last Friday, the representatives of the Stomil Olsztyn Academy together with football players and Loando.pl lynxes, visited the patients of the Provincial Specialist Children’s Hospital...
The new player was a loan to Stomil Olsztyn from Silesia Wrocław. It was possible with the financial support from Loando.pl. Thanks to this transfer, the club has achieved its objective and remained in the first league. Stomil Olsztyn finished the league with the 11th rank. We would like to congratulate Stomil Olsztyn and thank Maciej for supporting the Pride of Warmia
I am very happy that we managed to stay in the first league. It was my main objective to help maintain our position. I will remember my time in Olsztyn very well. I was excellently received in the cloakroom. The atmosphere around the club and the club itself were great. I also liked Olsztyn as a city. It is very green, full of lakes and the air is completely different than in Wroclaw, Pałaszewski commented.